Thursday, December 11, 2008

I adore this......Kiss me arse....

Movies and Their Quotes

1. PS. I Love You

“ Dear Holly, I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S. I will always love you...”

2. Constantine

John Constantine: "... I guess there's a plan for all of us. I had to die - twice - just to figure that out. Like the book says, He works His work in mysterious ways. Some people like it. Some people don't ".

[speaking to God] I know I'm not one of your favorites. I'm not even welcome in your house. But, I could use a little attention.

3. Harry Potter - The Goblet of Fire

Harry : "You're being stupid..." //Ron : "Yeah, that's me. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend !!"

Hermione : "..I'm not an owl ! "


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pretty e-cards

My Christmas This Year

Irr : “habis pasang pohon natal and listening to wonderful christmas time nya Demi Lovato. Her cover of the song by Paul McCartney.

The mood is right. The spirits up. We're here tonight.and that's enough. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time ! Simply having a wonderful Christmas time ! The party's on ! The feeling's here, that only comes this time of year. The choir of children sing their song. Ding dong, ding dong Ding dong, ding. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time. The choir of children sing their song. They practiced all year long.. Ding dong, ding dong. Ding dong, ding dong Ding dong, ding dong. The party's on The spirits up. We're here tonight and that's enough. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time...

Monday, December 1, 2008

2008 Fashion

things i wont wear or do :

Crocs Sandals
Gladiator shoes
Levis Watch
Balloon Skirt
Rambut Keriting

Face Book an

Personally, i don't really fancy fb. Too much information we know are not always a good thing.. Occassionaly open it, just to contact and share information with families ...

Berikut curhatan seorang suami di Bintan terhadap istri nya...

"Even marriage couple need privacy live.. but facebook or any o’r thing like that???? Mene tehe!!percayalah, kalo format FB masih kayak gini, lambat laun pasti bakal ditinggalin sampe keluar model terbaru lagi.. Hidup Linkedin!!!! cheers"

Hal-hal yang bisa dilakuin di Facebook:

1. Ketemu teman lama banget
2. Ketemu teman yang sudah sangat lama banget
3. Ketemu teman yang bahkan namanya pun sudah tidak ingat
4. Ketemu pacar lama
5. Ketemu gebetan lama
6. Ketemu mantan bos

Hal-hal yang berbahaya dari Facebook:

1. Ancaman pindah pekerjaan hubungan dengan nomor 6 diatas, tidak bagus buat perusahaan
2. Kegiatan terpantau
3. malem-malem bangun diam-diam, kencan ma facebook, CLBK
4. lebih memilih facebook daripada keluarga
5. teman jauh is the best, yang terdekat dan dateng tiap hari dicuekin

Pop Art Founder

Andy Warhol (6 Agustus 1928 – 22 Februari 1987), adalah seorang seniman, sutradara avant-garde, penulis dan figur sosial Amerika. Warhol juga bekerja sebagai penerbit, produser rekaman dan aktor. Dengan latar belakang dan pengalamannya dalam seni komersil, Warhol menjadi salah satu pencetus gerakan Pop Art di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1950an. Karya-karya Warhol yang paling dikenal adalah lukisan-lukisan (cetakan sablon) kemasan produk konsumen dan benda sehari-hari yang sangat sederhana dan berkontras tinggi, misalnya Campbell’s Soup Cans, bunga poppy, dan gambar sebuah pisang pada cover album musik rock The Velvet Underground and Nico (1967), dan juga untuk potret-potret ikonik selebritis abad 20, seperti Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Judy Garland, dan Elizabeth Taylor. Di luar dunia seni, Warhol dikenal dengan ucapannya “Di masa depan semua orang akan menjadi terkenal selama 15 menit“. Dia berkata kepada beberapa reporter, “Kalimat terbaru saya adalah, ‘Dalam lima belas menit, semua orang akan menjadi terkenal’”.(Dikopi dari