(check on http://www.mutiarabintan.com/) The pavilions are made of natural materials, with minimum impact on the environment.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Trikora Trip with Nurcholizer
(check on http://www.mutiarabintan.com/) The pavilions are made of natural materials, with minimum impact on the environment.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Don't want to have fun with your photos? Photofunia is an online image editing tool that gives users a fun filled experience. Put some Photoshop wizardy at your fingertips with photo manipulation site PhotoFunia. It gave us the opportunity to make some pretty cool stuff today in just a few simple clicks. Also try LoonaPix.com
BRC GO COLOUR - 14 th Anniversary
Began with beautiful Parade Dance - by our own staffs showing that differences actually add colour in our lives (Choreo by Lidia S. ). After the Official Opening Ceremony, Children Collosal Dance and talent show were upnext. Feel completed when BRC Choir sang '..in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight, amimbaweb amimbaweb.." Thanks to Felix for such a beautiful harmony....
Pak Am wrote ...."Dear All Coordinators,….Kami mewakili panitia mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu yang sudah memberikan dukungan penuh,kerja keras,kekompakan dan kerjasama yang baik sehingga acara BRC 14th Anniversary 2008 berjalan dengan meriah,lancar dan sukses. Mohon sampaikan rasa terima kasih kami kepada teman-teman yang lain yang tidak bisa kami sebutkan satu persatu… Bu Cath sempat stress karena ada masalah dikit di makanan ( Gimana sih bang Ron ) tapi untunglah dapat diatasi. Kak Sisil juga sempat kesal atas penonton nya yang buanyak dan berdesak2 antri menunggu hadiah FUN GAMES... sabar ya kak jangan kapok …. Sekali kali All the best for you…. Buat Bu Irma gimana rasanya sudah legakan ?…boleh donk ceritain sidikit aja mengenai perasaannya dalam persiapan sebelum hari H apa deg-deg kan,stress atau biasa-biasa saja…yang jelas sekarang sudah lega kan ?.... Untuk tahun depan siapa yang akan menyusul untuk calon Ketua ? ...... Monggo…."
Monday, November 17, 2008
Am so dying to go

These tickets have been allocated for professionals actively working in film, television, entertainment technology and marketing organizations. Company and industry affiliation will be required upon registration and check-in.Tickets are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Forum and screening seating is strictly limited and unassigned. To guarantee admission, all ticket holders must be present at respective venue at least 15 minutes prior to start time. All ticket pricing and transactions are processed in
Industry Professionals Registration Classes: PACKAGE ONE: 3DX Combined Access "
- Entry to all 3DX openings, keynotes, presentations, demonstrations and executive forum discussions.
- Entry to all 3DX submitted film screenings including opening night red carpet premiere of “BOLT”, public screenings and closing night world premiere.
- Invitation to “BOLT” Red Carpet Reception.
- Invitation to the 3DX Closing Night Party at The Fullerton Hotel.
- Invitation to "U23D" After Party at The St. James Power Station.
- Hosted MDA luncheon on Wednesday November 19th, 2008.
- This registration class does not include 3DX private receptions.
• $1,495.00 SGD (until Oct. 15, 2008) • $1,995.00 SGD (following Oct. 15, 2008) .....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Alfred Sung - Forever

It’s an old fragrance and hard to find. Used it since 1997 and suddenly they did not produce it anymore…
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Harry Potter 8th Please
Sign the petition !!
We still want to know....
What happened in those 19 years? What were their careers? How is poor George coping without Fred? Who remained friends with who? Who married who? Were there anybody else we knew amongst the 50 bodies after the battle at Hogwarts?
Where did Sirius actually go behind the veil? How did Lupin and Tonks actually die? Was little Teddy a werewolf? Did Hagrid receive an apology when they found out he didn't open the chamber of secrets?
We would even love a book on the Marauders time at school, so we could see the adults during their child hoods and their time at Hogwarts. We could see Voldemorts first attempt to power and how the original order dealt with everything. It would be such an amazing book which would also answer questions about Lily and James, what careers they had for example.
Could we please, please, please have an 8th book of some kind? The future looks empty without them!
Another Form of Twister
Irr : "Happened on 25 May 2007 when I was sitting at ferry to Singapore and watching the tv, I saw on the news... LIVE NEWS !! there was water sprout in the ocean,,, I couldn't believe I missed it... I saw outside, none..... Lely said im crazy....but I truly truly want to see it in my own eyes. ...Any how, if it happens..where are we going? hide or run? ... They said its totally harmless, well quite harmless though. 28km/h winds....itu seberapa cepat ya"
What is water sprout?
A waterspout is an intense columnar vortex (usually appearing as a funnel-shaped that occurs over body of water and is connected to a cumuliformcloud. In the common form, it is a nonsupercell tornado over water, and brings the water upward. It is weaker than most of its land counterparts.
Seen in Singapore - May 26 == SINGAPORE is a very sheltered country. There are no natural disasters, no wars, no strikes, no historical relics to be proud of. Therefore, its citizens will get excited whenever there are any rare phenomenons or special events,. When there is tremor, everyone shouts "earthquake" and when there is free fireworks, everyone rus to see. Yesterday afternoon, at about 2.30pm, people sighted another rare phenomenon at the water of East Coast - a Tornado Water Sprout. Photos started to flood in Channel NewsAsia and videos to YouTube. Water Sprout is a common sight in Singapore, probably several times a year. It happens due to intense thunder storm, according to National Environment Agency (NEA).
Quoted from Channel NewsAsia:
"SINGAPORE: A waterspout has been spotted from the eastern parts of Singapore.
Most callers to the MediaCorp News Hotline reported seeing what looked like a tornado or a twister over the sea. Most said they saw the phenomenon at about 2.30pm and that the phenomenon lasted about 15 minutes. Witnesses said it was moving in a circular motion. The waterspout could be seen in several areas including Chai Chee, East Coast Park, Suntec City and Potong Pasir."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Southern All Stars
Kuwata Keisuke (Chigasaki, Kanagawa Pref. 1956- ) Hara Yuko (Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref. 1956- )Sekiguchi Kazuyuki (Niigata Pref. 1955- ) Matsuda Hiroshi (Miyazaki Pref. 1956- ) Nozawa Hideyuki (Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref. 1956- ) (Guitarist Omori Takashi left the band in 2001)
Southern All Stars are perhaps the most successful of all Japan's pop/rock acts. To give you an idea, they re-released 44 singles on the same day in June, 2005. The titles dated from their 1978 debut "Katte ni Sinbad" to 2000's "Tsunami." Every one of them went back into the Oricon charts, and the band basically took over the Top 50. Admittedly the highest ranked was at #18, but it's an impressive feat nonetheless. The extra sales also pushed "Tsunami" to over 3 million in all, making it the third best-selling single ever in Japan.
The above feat/marketing stunt was done as part of their 27th anniversary celebrations, which gives you an idea of the band's longevity and staying power. 2005 also saw them play an outdoor summer rock festival for the first time in 22 years and the long-awaited announcement of their first new album of original material in seven years. During that time they had done plenty of live shows and released a slew of singles. Charismatic frontman Kuwata Keisuke had also been doing well as a solo artist. But it is as a live band that they are best loved, and they are regarded as one of the best in the country, largely due to Kuwata's onstage persona.
The band's beginnings go back to the mid 1970s, when Kuwata was a student at Aoyama Gakuin University. While in a band called Better Days, he met Sekiguchi and Hara - who would become his wife in 1982. They were soon joined by guitarist Omori Takashi, drummer Matsuda Hiroshi and Nozawa Hideyuki on percussion. Their debut single "Katte ni Sinbad" came out in 1978 and just a year later they released their third single, the smash-hit ballad "Itoshii no Eri," which was later covered by no less an artist than Ray Charles (as "Ellie My Love"). Their lively performances had earned them a reputation as something of a comic band, but this hit marked them out as a group to take seriously.
Kuwata is the band's main songwriter. He grew up in the seaside and surfing town of Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture - perhaps growing up there is the reason why so many of their songs are associated with summer and the beach. The band's signature sound has to be Kuwata's distinctive husky voice and unusual singing style. Some say it sounds "foreign," unlike anything that had been heard in Japanese pop. They also play a kind of retro style of music, with lots of hooks and catchy melodies. Their fan base is huge and covers both sexes and all ages. In the autumn of 2005, they launched their biggest nationwide concert tour ever, playing to over half a million people in 11 cities, in support of "KIller Street" their first original album in seven years and an instant chart-topper and million-seller. This band is around to stay.
irr : "..senengnya akhirnya ketemu artikel dan bisa dowload lagunya.pula...jaman dulu thn 90-an cuma bisa ngerekam lewat radio pake kaset ,,sampai kusut2 karena di ulang2 mulu...Btw setuju banget suaranya bule banget dan seksi abiss...love you kuwata."
Originally Posted on Apr 4, '07 11:50 AM // from my multiply rip