Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Umbrella, ella ella...


It was tremendous !! the theme was thai food
Still got lot of left-over, anyone who wants chocolate pudding, just come…
The cake is superdelicious……the gift are just what I wanted….
New Butterfly Aussino bed sheet, Garfield umbrella, pink wallet, pink underwear, pulsa, hehehehe
Me lovey…. Thank you for all the wishes..
Crossed my finger now… : ) God bless


Lesson on Sales

Something to learn about salesmanship. A useful lesson.

A young Sikh lad moved to London and went to Harrods looking for a job.

The manager asked, "Do you have any sales experience?" . The young man answered, "Yeah, I was a salesman back in Punjab." The manager liked the Punjabi so he gave him the job. His first day on the job was challenging and busy, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the manager came down and asked "OK, so how many sales did you make today?" The Punjabi said "One."

The manager groaned and continued "Just one? Here in Harrods, our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day. How much was the sale for?" . "£108,637.64", the Punjabi replied. The manager choked and exclaimed "£108,637.64? What the hell did you sell him?"

"Well, first I sold him a small fish hook, then a medium fish hook, and then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down at the coast so I told him he would need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him that twin-turbo Power Cat. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to Harrods car sales and I sold him a Porsche Cayenne." The manager, incredulous, said "You mean to tell me....a guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and 4x4?"

"No, no, no......he came in here to buy a box of tampons for his wife and I
said........."Well, since your weekend's fucked, you might as well go fishing."
irr : that's funny and inspiring.... a useful lesson. the approach in how to get someone buying our land . Start with the small pen, then.. the t shirt ,then.. the mug.. then .......

My first Backpackering = Mission Accomplished

January 2008

Okay, the journey was started from... Lagoi >> one hour Busing to Tanjung Pinang >> 3 hours Ferrying to Johor Bahru >> 5 hours busing to go to Kuala Lumpur....gedubrak

sepanjang jalan banyak kata2 yg aneh2.....

INDONESIA : telepon selular//MALAYSIA: talipon bimbit
INDONESIA : belok kiri, belok kanan//MALAYSIA : pusing kiri, pusing kanan
INDONESIA : gratis ngobrol 30menit//MALAYSIA : percuma berbual 30minit
INDONESIA : Imut-imut//MALAYSIA : Comel benar
:INDONESIA : Pengacara//MALAYSIA : Penguam
INDONESIA : remote//MALAYSIA : kawalan jauh
INDONESIA : kulkas//MALAYSIA : peti sejuk
INDONESIA : bersenang-senang//MALAYSIA : berseronok
INDONESIA : narkoba//MALAYSIA : dadah
INDONESIA : pintu darurat//MALAYSIA : Pintu kecemasan

>> arrived at Ptaling in China Town found nice Hotel called Orange in the middle of the market... so you can just go downstair to start shopping (see below below) and my gosh it's so cheap.... and the room was great..

ke twin tower dong, two days in a row.. ...dari bus aja ngeliat ujungnya aja udah norak banget.. 'itu dia..itu dia...' Buts sayang kehabisan tiket untuk ke bridge nya

pulang nya >> Johor Baru >> Singapore (stayed one night and forgot the science centre was closed on monday..grr..) lunch di bugis..finally makan makanan yang saya suka... after marathon eating either mcd or kfc, grumble >> BBT >> Homey......zzzzzzz....

irr : "Eli still cannot believe im doing this....pas naik bis aja udah diteriakinnn...'hah irma naik bis ke Pinang emangnya im that princessesy apah... Next backpackering destination.... either Phuket or Hongkong."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Going Back To Jakarta Ep. 2

Going Back To Jakarta Ep. 2

Day 3, 16/12/07 DUDUK DI DEPAN, TIDAKK…

Its Sunday already.. and cits still awake until 9.00 in the mowning because cress belonging were left in Nuniek house, and she had to pick her up from Benhill to Pondok Kelapa. At 10 i picked Gris and went to my old office, MSA ... Gosh sudah lama sekali.....met tukang2 lama ku.... we're so excited, Pak Dirun ajak keliling2 wahh... alot of changes within 3 years, which im not reallly suprised to. We also met pak ms there, he said 'ak hitamm....' hehehehe abis makan kroketnya mas Rais kita ke ambassador to met cits at Bakmi Kuningan …. Like d old times…. Pangsit goreng, ayam asam manis… dan gosh.. kangkung belacan yg enak ituh.. :b…..We went to church just above the Ambasador Mall (Gereja Duta Injil)….on 14.00, and please deh girls…. Duduk nya paling depan dan tengah2 mimbar pula, where no other chair infront to rest our hand to, no other people infront to hide for… :’) huhuhu… u shud tell me before.. Pendetanya Robin Ong…. He shared stories that no matter what.. no matter how hard it is…. we supposed to give ALL to God, no compromising, n insincerity….. Kadang kita terllalu mengandal kan kekuatan sendiri.. and not hang to our bilble… the most precious book of all..where all the answer found… we always look back…. And not make most of the present….. begitu deh…. So pray hard, read hard ladies… hm..what I’ve got that day…. That we should get over it…. I should get over it…. And count on Him. Abisan udah tau dosa, tapi kok masih dilakukan….. hehe llike buying dvd bajakan semisal… lagi di ambassador sih… kelepasan deh tuh (sorry paps)… Btw Lagu yg dinyanyiin d greja tadi bagus banget ….. no griss… im not crying… ;’)

Tiada yang seperti Engkau, begitu mengasihiku.. Kau Tuhan.. sanggup menjawab, semua seru doa ku..
Tiada yg seperti Engkau, begitu mengasihiku.. Kau Tuhan sanggup melawan seluruh kehidupanku
Aku percaya, Tuhan ku ajaib, Kau turun tangan memulihkan ku ..Aku percaya Tuhan ku dasyat., Kau turun tangan memberkatiku…

17-21/12/07, KIMCHI YA YA

Stayed at my sister’s house at Kota Wisata. Diajak makan enak mulu nih…, Ke Ichiban sushi di Cibubur Junction ngeliat hujan salju.

Terus esok nya dinner ke restoran Korea makan Kimchi.. there’re 9 of them ada yg kangkung asem, asinan tahu,, duh aneh2 gitu d.. bulgogi yg di bungkus pake daun kol kaya di film Jang Dang Geum…. my 10yr old ponakan Karina suka sekallski… Btw i suppose to meet Dian (Ex.BRC) that only lives a block away.. but *sigh* im to tired from d marathon-dinner.


Met my long lost ex boyfriend … and again its called compromising… Susah sekali get over it… im not praying hard eventually.. he came to my sister’s house and he helped me designing a brochure for a friend… ah.. I know some new move then… stlll cannot get enough photoshop trick. Menyenangkan.. even for a day….;’) .And when I sat here remembered…. Hmm..the most romantic part.. it’s not the holding hands, it’s not the hug….. it’s when somewhere in the middle of the rain… he moved the laundry away, my sis laundry, hehehe….i looked at him in different angle then.. Ok back to normal… I ended up still single… abisan terlalu dipaksakan juga, and I realize (later) we’re now live in two different world, where our purpose in opposite ways…

24/12/07 PURPLE

It was nice sitting below the tree and organize all the present.. wohoo I got the biggest present with hallmark wraps and nice hallmark ribbon with butterfly.. :D tee hee… After eating (ox tail is one of the menu)… we opened all the present, following with picking the angpau envelope from the tree…. The present all were so cute.. but wait a minute… Grrr…. was there someone out there shouting that I like purple ??%$*(+!@#.. My mom gave me purple dress from orange, and now I have a pair of purple sandals, two purple bracelets, purple hand-watch, purple shirt, purplebra….purpleboohoo…. To make it even worst.. my sis who just came back from Singapore, told me on the phone (happily) that she bought me something nice from bossini…. It was a PURPLE t shirt !!… :’D.......TGINP (thanks God it’s not Purple), from the hallmark nice package, my mom gave me a very nice charles and keith hand bag and it’s BLACK ;’)


Friday, January 11, 2008


Psikolog dari sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama berhasil melakukan analisis terhadap tabiat para pemajang foto di Friendster... Hasilnya adalah sbb:

FOTO BARENG PASANGAN (CLOSE UP) = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa diri lebih keren dari yang ini."
FOTO BARENG PASANGAN DI LUAR NEGERI (berlatar belakang menara Eifel,airterjun Niagara, pagoda dll) = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa diri lebih keren dan lebih mapan dari yang ini."
FOTO SENDIRIAN, DI LUAR NEGERI = "Dilarang ngajak kenalan, kecuali kalo merasa mampu ngongkosin gue main ke sini."
FOTO SENDIRIAN, DI TEMPAT WISATA DALAM NEGERI (Borobudur, Taman Mini,Dufan, Pantai Kuta dll) = "Gue mah anaknya irit! Diajak k Bali juga nyengir!"
FOTO BARENG TEMEN = "Paling enggak TEMEN-TEMEN gue ada yang keren"FOTO BARENG BINATANG PELIHARAAN ="Paling enggak gue LEBIH KEREN dari peliharaan gue kan..." FOTO BAYI (ANAKNYA ASLI) = Pura-pura sayang anak, kalau pasang foto dirinya takut dimarahin suami/bini: "Emang mau nyari yang baru di Friendster?" FOTO BAYI (ADIK, KEPONAKAN, ANAK TETANGGA) = "Pengen cepet-cepet kawin" FOTO BARENG MOBIL = "Paling enggak lo nggak akan jalan kaki dah ma gue..!" FOTO JADUL/JAMAN MUDA = "Paling enggak DULU gue sempet rada keren n funky." FOTO BARENG PASANGAN, POSE MESRA/BERPELUKAN = "Gila, ni orang nempel mulu! Ngga nyadar gue udah bosen!" FOTO KARTUN/ARTIS/LOGO = "Jangan nilai gue dari segi tampang, lah...jangan, ya... JANGAN aja pokoknya!" FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP = "Gila, gue keren ya?" FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP, POSE COVER MAJALAH = "Gila, gue keren BANGET ya? ckckck!". FOTO SENDIRIAN, CLOSE-UP, POSE COVER MAJALAH, PAKE EFEK BLUR/SEPHIA/DLL "SEANDAINYA ngga jerawatan/beruntusan/panuan/bopengan, gila, gue keren BANGET ya? ckckck!" TIDAK ADA FOTO/FOTO CUMA SATU ITU PUN PASFOTO, TRUS 'LAST LOGIN'-NYA LEBIH DARI 3 MINGGU YG LALU = Join Friendster gara2 ada temennya yang ngojok2in "Yuk ikutan friendster yuk, asik lho! "trus udah dijawabin "Males ah" tapi temennya tetep ngotot "Alaa... ikut deh, biar rame tauk..! "terus biar udah dibilangin "Enggak mau/engga sudi/engga sempet" tuh temen terus aja ngejar2 tiap hari akhirnya join biar terbebas dari teror tapi abis itu ngga pernah dibuka2 lagi. FOTO YANG SAMA, BEBERAPA BIJI = Baru join Friendster, belom tau bhw friendster suka lelet, jadi waktu upload foto sempet bingung "Loh, kok foto gue ngga nongol? Wah, uploadnya gagal nih. upload lagi ah.." trus setelah nyoba lagi; "eh! kok belom juga? gimana sih ni, Coba lagi ah..

irr : '' so... which one are you''

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Giselle: How does she know you love her? How does she know she's yours?
Man : How does she know that you love her?
Giselle :How do you show her you love her?

Both: How does she know that you really, really, truely love her? How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her? How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?

Giselle:It's not enough to take the one you love for granted You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say... "How do I know he loves me?" (How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her?) "How do I know he's mine?" (How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?) Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy! He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday That's how you know, that's how you know! He's your love...

Man : You've got to show her you need her Don't treat her like a mind reader Each day do something to need her To believe you love her Giselle:Everybody wants to live happily ever after Everybody wants to know their true love is true... How do you know he loves you? (How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you need her?) How do you know he's yours? (How does she know that you really, really, truely-) Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close? Dedicate a song with words in Just for you? Ohhh!

All : He'll find his own way to tell you With the little things he'll do That's how you know That's how you know! Giselle:He's your love He's your love... That's how you know (la la la la la la la la) He loves you (la la la la la la la la) That's how you know (la la la la la la la la) It's true(la la la la la)Because he'll wear your favorite colorJust so he can match your eyesRent a private picnicBy the fires glow-oohh!All:His heart will be yours forever Something everyday will show That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know (That's how you know) That's how you know! Giselle:He's your love...

Man : That's how she knows that you love her That's how you show her you love her
Giselle : That's how you know...That's how you know... He's your love...

Day-2 in Jakarta

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Day-2 in Jakarta

Ketemuan sama Gris di Gramedia Matraman.


Setelah dikirim email dan sms tentang sinetron ini, penasaran juga nonton. Email2 kaya di bawah ini ni :

'’Pemutaran Film Tgl. 15 Desember 2007--presented by MY HOPE INDONESIA. Judul filmnya bukan My Hope Indonesia, tetapi "SEBUAH PENANTIAN".Pelaksanaannya dikoordinasi oleh "MY HOPE INDONESIA", sebuah organisasi yang didukung oleh Billy Graham Ministry, dan pemutaran film ini akan menggerakkan seluruh denominasi gereja di Indonesia. Para pemain film ini antara lain Restu Sinaga, Nana Mirdad, Christine dan Mario Lawalatta. Ditayangkan mulai pukul 16.30 - 17.30 WIB. Pemutaran film ini diprakarsai oleh Billy Graham Ministry (USA). Film serupa pernah diputar di India dengan judul "My Hope India" dan berhasil memenangkan jutaan rakyat India untuk menerima Tuhan Yesus sebagai juruselamat. ‘’

Pst Willyam juga nyaranin kita nonton juga. Akhirnya nonton lah pas di Jakarta abis ke tempat tunangannya Gris di Cidodol dan abis dari Plasa Senayan tempat ketemuan sama Cits dan Cress. Ugh, tapi tu anak bedua ga muncul2. Akhirnya kita langsung ke tempat kost nya Pecits mau makan spageti bikinan papa. Butz…..tuan rumahnya manna? Tuan rumahnya lagi ngurusin teman nya yg nangis di jalan (gubrakk), jadi kita nonton duluan.

Hhuhuhu sedih… Rudi Salam top mainnya. Jadi pesakitan yg dulu ninggalin anak istri demi wanita lain.Memaafkan memang bukan perkara yang mudah. And the film show us why…….

Griss : Mba’ ir? Mba’ ir? Nangis ya…….. :’)


Gosh sekarang murah bener nonton di Jakarta. Cuma 15.000

Setelah Cress dan Cits bersitegang di kost2an gara2 janji ketemuan yg ngebingungin….Oncom…Grr…. ak sm Gris seperti biasa tidak mau terlibat.. hihihi kita ngumpet di kamar mandi ya gris..

Nyampe di PIM dua oncom itu menghilang (as planned, beli kado ultahnya Gris, but ended dgn ga sempet beli, krn Cress tiba2 harus on line dan mesti ke J-Co)

Griss :’ Irr mereka mana? -- hehehe

Duh senengnya nonton sm makan hotdog yg uenak itu….. Film nya lucuuuuu… percaya deh…'How do you know, he loves you, How do you know he’s yours……’ the chipmunk is adorable..

resensi singkatnya :
''The real world and the animated world collide. A classic Disney animated fairy tale meets with the modern, live-action romantic comedy in Walt Disney Pictures' Enchanted. Featuring an all-star Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, the film follows the beautiful princess Giselle (Amy Adams) as she is banished by an evil queen (Susan Sarandon) from her magical, musical animated land and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn't operate on a "happily ever after" basis, Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall in love with a charmingly flawed divorce lawyer (Patrick Dempsey) who has come to her aid - even though she is already promised to a perfect fairy tale prince (James Marsden) back home - she has to wonder: can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?''

Btw.. baru tau sekarang ada istilah parkir cewek : ) wah sudah lama sekali saya tidak pulang..

23.15 Going to Pisa CafĂ© to Celebrate Gris B’Day

Happy Birthday to you Griss.. Grup hugzie…..
Ada Delon nyanyi lagunya Kerispatih…
I ordered Fetucini yg pake Seafood… yam…

Pulang……around one o'clock in the morning...hiks sedih nganterin Cress ke rumah oma di Benhill . By tomorrow she has to go to Ausiie ketemu ortunya sebelum balik ke Inggris. Bye lil' sister yang skrg keriting…..Pertama kali ketemu Cress di kost an Pecits, komentarnya ‘’kamu hitam…rambut kamu jelek’’ Huu…jahat deh….. : “)

From: Irma Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:33 AMTo: 'pecitz chan'; griselda; 'cressida '
Gurlzzzz…….Gak bisa pulang lebih cepet…… Udah digilir….
Masakan km weekend kerja sih cits…..

Cress…spare your time to hang out with us ya……
Ayo nginep nginep….hihihihi…mesti telpon papa nya gris buat minta ijin anaknya nginep dung… and gris kudu jemput cress di rumah oma …hihihihi like old times

Cress presents??? Can I just buy 10 items from value$, kkkkkk…..:D ur favorite store cress..
Wah jadi inget waktu kita nginep di bandung…..when I said…’the next time I saw cress, she’ll be 3 months pregnant and walking in the aisle’
Hope u’re not… though….

Kalian harus bikin itinerary ya…..
And put ambassador in the list of destinantion…

Lluiff yaa….grup hu

Kelas Drama

jadi guru drama di SD Tunas Bangsa sama Yeti dan Ratnul ....
the kids are so excited to do the all the exercise...

29 December 2007

Pagi2 Ke acara tunangannya Olive di daerah Cilandak...
sama cits dan griss, no more cress... ;_(


Spend whole day di Kelapa Gading...
We watched Rio Febrian at La Piazza.....sumpah deh so kece bener
And Griss finally got her present... a new red shoes
The day after kita ke JCo Plaza Semanggi and showed Cress the shoes....

Siapa yang akan bangun negeri ini

my old friend from high school, who become politician and surprisingly tinggal di Frankfurt, Jerman... Rumah kita tetanggaan di cempaka putih. Duh..pulanglah 'gus bangun negeri ini....

old friends from high school cek blog nya.. Ron, sohib lu khan..... hehehe