Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Know When to Stop Blogging

Blogging isn’t for everyone, and everyone doesn’t need to blog. There are times when you should stop blogging, and there are times to take a rest from blogging. There are times to blog and there are times to stop blogging, especially if blogging interferes with the rest of your life. And there are times when you don’t need to stop blogging, you just need to take some time out from blogging to deal with your life. Then you can return to blogging…..

Stop blogging if you don’t have a purpose
Don’t blog when you’ve run out of original things to say
Be careful blogging about topics “close to home”

Take care when blogging against your employer or any other associates. Blogging can be dangerous as words can be used as weapons. Maintain your privacy, but also take care with your words. Blogging is for everyone, but not everyone should be blogging.

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